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Armal city/western mains portable toilet

Armal city western mains toilet

The "Wave" portable restroom

The city/western mains model of "Wave" is different from its standard counterpart because this one has a sit-down toilet and the waste tank is not contained within the cabin. Instead it employs internal accessories that can be connected to a holding tank or sewage system. Since waste is whisked away, the cabin smells fresher resulting in a superior user experience.


Comfortable, lightweight, toilet seat made of resin

Toilet paper holder and clothing hook are included

Optional hand sanitizer dispenser and internal sink can be installed easily

Easily cleaned smooth walls and molded air vents that keep the weather and insects out.

Strong sturdy door designed for strength and efficient cleaning.

​Sturdy easily cleaned door, made of plastic.

​Three roll capacity toilet paper holder with handy built in shelf.

Made of high-density, grade 4 polyethylene plus anti-UV treatment.


Shipping by sea

  • 40 foot high cube (HC) = 80 toilets + 80 internal sinks or toilets + 80 recirculating kits

  • 20 foot = 32 toilets + 32 internal sinks or toilets + 80 recirculating kits

Shipping by truck

  • 1 pallet of toilets = 89 x 47 x 93 inches

  • 1600 lbs = 8 toilets

  • 1 53 foot truck = 13 pallets or 104 toilets

Technical specifications

Net weight

180 pounds

82 kg


43 gallons

163 liters


43 inches

109 cm


47 inches

120 cm


90 inches

229 cm

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